Menu Updates and Modifiers

Hi, we requested updates to our menu via UberEats and they stated that since our POS system is now switched to OrderOut, that they no longer can edit and that OrderOut needs to make the changes. Please advise…

no one is answering any of my concerns. Is there a number that I can reach someone or a different email address that I can use to get support?
Lorrie Davis
Henrietta Hots
Rochester, NY 14623

Hi there,

Once you integrate your Uber Eats menu with a third-party aggregator like OrderOut, you will lose the ability to edit your menu through the Uber Eats merchant portal. All edits must now be made through the OrderOut dashboard. These rules are set by Uber Eats, and we have no control over them.

Hey henhots!

You can call 305-330-5704 M - F 9:00AM - 7:00PM (EST).

Alternatively, you can schedule a call directly with me here.